Travel North Carolina
One place we decided to visit was the
“Make connections with the natural world at the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher. Feel the smooth skin of a gliding stingray. Spot eels and sharks swimming in the depths. Look an albino alligator in the eye. Wonder at baby sea turtles. Delight in a family of otters playing in a waterfall.
See why visitors vote the Aquarium a top regional and national attraction each year”.
The Otter enclosure is very nice. Here is what they say about it……
“Meet a fascinating furry family of Asian small-clawed otters at home in a new, expansive habitat in the Aquarium’s conservatory. These curious creatures explore their surroundings, swim in their pools, and delight in discovering new ways to play.
The otters are on habitat daily from 9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. After that time, they are behind the scenes for dinner”.