Joy is relative. I may find joy in something that does not bring you joy, and you may find joy in something that does not bring me joy. That being said, we can find some joy in all phases of our lives. During the most difficult and joyless time of my life, when my husband…
Tag: #kathieyvwriter
Food and Drink-Finding Joy in Cooking-December 2024 Recipe Challenge
I love to try new recipes. I find if I don’t sit down and make a list of new recipes to try or old recipes to re-explore, I will not make an effort to try the foods that sound delicious to me. So that is what I decided to do. I am going to make…
Stress Relief and Self-Care: Let’s Light A Candle
There are many ways to take care of ourselves and relieve stress in our lives. One way suggested by many to achieve this goal is to light a scented candle. Let’s take a look at the benefits of lighting a candle. Did you know that lighting a candle can improve your mental health? The…
Monthly Motivation-May Your Faith Be Stronger Than Your Fear
Monthly Motivation Sometimes, fear does get in our heads and in our way. The fear of failure, the fear of the unknown, and the doubt that we are incapable of success may block our progress. We will miss many opportunities if we listen to that negative voice. What does God say? “Have I not commanded…
Inspirational Quote by Eleanor Roosevelt.
Inspirational Quote by Eleanor Roosevelt. I enjoy Eleanor Roosevelt’s many beautiful quotes. This one is so simple but completely accurate. When we doubt ourselves and don’t push on in what we know we should be doing, we fail ourselves and others. I have written two books, and I am slowly working on the third….
Quotes-“Be Brave Enough to be Bad at Something New”
Inspirational Quote… Whether you find yourself on a steady path or in a difficult life situation, you may need to be brave enough to try something new. You may be afraid that you will not be adequately prepared for this new adventure, but that should not hold us back because it is ok to try…
Stress Relief and Self Care. Need Stress Relief? Try Decluttering Your Space.
Need Stress Relief? Declutter Your Space. I had read about how decluttering can decrease chaos not only physically but emotionally. I just moved to a new location, and in the process of the move and downsizing, I found that my new place is not organized yet, and this disorder made me feel stressed. I decided…
The Joy-Finding Joy in The Journey Even in the Painful Times
As you know, I have written two books. I started writing when my ex walked out after a 37-year marriage. I was devastated and completely lost in my newfound reality. My first book is all about the initial pain and confusion. My second book is filled with logistics on how to proceed through the divorce…
Quotes-A Thought Provoking Quote by Dr. Seuss
Even in life’s painful moments, remember to look for all the good that surrounds you. “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” Dr. Seuss I remember this evening so well. A chance to hold my grandchildren. Even in the confusion of life, my heart was full of…
Journal Prompts-Tell Your Story Through Journaling-What was Your Career Goal as a Child? How Was Your Reality Different?
Tell Your Story Through Journaling Journaling, I have found to be an invaluable tool. Journaling is not only a way to relieve stress and help us process things it is also a way to tell our story. My career goal as a child was pure, idealistic, and full of hope. I recall so clearly my…